Hey Teacher! This weekend you should get out of the house, go explore, and become a weekend tourist.
"But being a tourist means traveling and go somewhere new".....WRONG. Every town has somewhere nearby that attracts tourists! Whether it's a natural landmark, downtown shopping area, an iconic mural painting, a classic restaurant...the list could go on forever, but there's so much out there! The places around where we live can become numb and boring, and we forget the beauty and excitement it holds. Have you ever had a friend come visit you, and they talk about all the fun things to do nearby or how beautiful the scenery is, and you're like..."uh really?!" because you've seen and done everything so many times? Wow. Happens to me more times than I like to admit. Friends would come visit me in Colorado and go on and on about how beautiful the mountains are or wanting to go watch the sunset, but I had become numb to it's beauty because I would see it everyday!!!! Let me drop some pictures to show how crazy this is:

HELLO!!! How did I become numb to this GORGEOUS STATE!! So, my challenge to you, is to put on your tourist glasses and go become a tourist in your own area this weekend. See the place you live through the eyes of a tourist.
I dropped a link below sharing about great small town cities to visit! Don't wait until school breaks to go somewhere fun! Go this weekend. Drop a comment on places you go this weekend so I can see where you were a tourist this weekend!