Hey Everyone!
This past week I had the privilege of interviewing the beautiful Isabella Stephens about interior design and classroom setups! She had such wonderful things to say that I HAD TO SHARE WITH Y'ALL!

Isabella graduated from the University of Oregon this past spring with a Degree in Interior Designing.
For Isabella's senior project she picked to design spaces for a Title 1 Elementary School. With her mom being an Elementary School Teacher, she was able to make a sweet, personal connection to this assignment! Her goal was to make spaces that felt like home for students who might not have that space provided to them where they live. You should check out her instagram @isabellastephensinteriors and see more behind this project!
Isabella gave me some tips you can walk away with RIGHT NOW and apply to your classroom!!
So write these down, set a reminder, or drive over to your classroom ASAP!
1. Plants
Adding some plants to your classroom can bring it to life! If you're nervous about keeping it alive... don't worry. There are plenty of plants out there that need minimal attention but can still add to the environment of your room.
2. Lighting
We all know those fluorescent overhead lights are a HEADACHE! Adding some additional lighting can not only save you but also your students. Hanging some twinkle lights, adding lamps, making a covering for over the fluorescent lights can prevent headaches and provide a more comfortable setting.
3. Rearranging
Finding 2 or 3 times a year to rearrange your seating to make it new and exciting. (Knowing your class is important before doing this. Some students may be triggered by too much change.) But finding appropriate times to arrange the environment can create a fresh start or excitement about the space.
4. Declutter
Look at everything in your classroom...is there a purpose for it being in there? If not, GET IT OUT! Over cluttering a room can be overwhelming for you and your students. There are lots of unique ways to organize your classroom to make it clean and stress free. If there is a pile of books that don't organize well on a shelf, find a nice basket for them so they can be tucked away
5. Colors
Finding decorations or additions to your room that are blue or purple can produce a calm atmosphere, or find a color theme that is consistent throughout your whole classroom. This color theme or consistency will be less overwhelming for some students!
Your classroom design can have a huge impact without even realizing it. Interior Design can absolutely change the mood of a room and how much someone enjoys being in that space. Since your students are required to be in your room, help them out and make it enjoyable! But, I guarantee your students will not only enjoy it, you will too!!